Writing and Speaking

11 Techniques for Writing SEO-Friendly Content



The goal of the writing is to catch people’s attention or captivate them with a phrase that calls them to action (Content Majestic, 2021). The greatest approach to succeed in this digital arena is to write blogs for SEO. This is the best way to keep your site visible and increase your business’ credibility, and site reputation over time with the support of your target purposes by offering them with answers they want.

WordPress has 64.2%  of the market share, with 35% of the most renowned web pages in the online development sector. For high-income bloggers, organic traffic from Google is the most important traffic source.

Keeping up with all of the parts of how to produce SEO-friendly WordPress blog posts is, thus, a must in today’s world. “72% of web marketers rate content production as their most beneficial SEO tactic,” according to optinmonster.

According to a Semrush analysis, marketers characterize content development as a traffic driver that generates an average monthly income of $8000 per month. So, here is a few tried-and-true pieces of advice for novices on how to produce SEO-friendly blog entries to achieve their marketing objectives.

  1. Who is Your Target Audience?

As a business, the first step in selecting headlines or composing a blog post for SEO is to understand your audience, particularly the population you want to reach with your blog material. “Blogs affect clients’ purchase decisions as 47 percent of them look through 3 to 5 blog articles before the buying process,” according to a report from Demandgenreport.com.

Make “Knowing your target audience” a top priority on your SEO checklist for blog articles so that your customer’s experience is prioritized for your marketing goals, as seen in the statistics below.

  1. Specified keywords

The other component of your blog composing for SEO is to communicate a clear user intent to your intended audience through content, and what better way to do so than by including keywords in your material. Keywords are the criteria that search engines use to rank your material in the SERPs, thus they’re an important part of your SEO blog article checklist.

Keywords are keywords that your intended audience searches for to find items and services that businesses like yours offer. They could become your consumers if they purchase these goods and services from you. Like when you see words like assignment writing service uk mentioned in blogs.

  1. Impressive Metadata

Metadata is a mini-advertisement for the content you’ve created on your blog, and it helps your customers decide whether or not to continue reading it. So, while generating blog material for SEO, optimizing your Meta title or content headline, as well as maintaining your meta description in mind, that is, selecting what your meta description must read like to draw your consumer, is a critical step.

  1. This is a long and interesting post.

Trying to keep your readers engaged necessitates generating a blog for SEO that is at least 2000 words long. “7 minutes is a recommended reading period for blogs among readers,” according to Buffer.com.

Providing you with the appropriate article length, which is a least 1,600 words that take around 7 minutes to read and a maximum of 2000+ words that maintains your target audience engaged.

  1. Easy & Simple Language

Writing brief sentences for your audience to make it easier for us to understand the meaning of your blog’s material without becoming bored is part of easy & simple language Blog SEO services.

Your writing should drive your reader to take action on your website or with the products and services you’re promoting maybe something like an economics assignment help. Simple words and to-the-point content, as well as shorter paragraphs and subheadings, can help achieve this. Because how can your readers feel compelled if they don’t grasp your language? Why would they do behaviors that cause them to be perplexed?

  1. Snippets, Semantics, and Voice Searches

Keywords are an unavoidable evil in blogging, but a new species known as Semantics Search has emerged in the last decade. In this sort of search, google and other Search engines, Bing, and others deduce the search query by crawling through data such as the user’s location, search history, and comparable phrases.

  1. Snippets, Semantics, and Voice Searches

Keywords are an unavoidable evil in blogging, but a new species known as Semantics Search has emerged in the last decade. In this sort of search, google and other search engines, Bing, and others deduce the search query by crawling through data such as the user’s location, search history, and comparable phrases.

  1. Maintain A Well-Ordered Strategy

Because structure determines function, you must design an organized format for your SEO blog article to reach the ultimate goal. This means that each post must have a defined format that includes the following:

  • A Brief Introduction Your topic’s introduction
  • Content body subheadings, points, listicles, Bonus Tips, Tools, and so on
  • Final thoughts A succinct overview and conclusion with strong call-to-action phrases

Those three points outline gives you a general idea of what your layout should be like, and you can add or remove any of them depending on the needs of your site.

  1. Linking Up To Help

Blog writing for SEO requires an associate, including other published blogs, to increase the relevance of your new blog while also providing your audience with more to read on the subject.

“Long blog posts attract 77.2 percent more inbound links than shorter pieces,” according to Backlinko.

To obtain more backlinks, linking, whether internal or external, requires a minimum of 2000 words in your content, which is why it is included in the SEO checklist for blog articles.

  1. Check for Plagiarism and Grammatical Errors

Writing may entail learning the fundamentals of how to write and produce direct content that offers information, but blogging entails connecting with users’ empathy and responding to their questions. This leads us to the global marketing arena, and when you blog, you’re writing not only for readers, but also for search engines, which value high-quality content through visibility, sharing, and ranking.

As a result, a blogger, marketing content writer, or other professional writing should provide at least two to three revisions and check for any grammatical errors, errors, or plagiarism. This is carried out to ascertain reputation and also to avoid being flagged by search engines.

  1. Make Use of Visual Content

Images, animations, infographics, and videos add a new type of excitement to your site than words alone. With a minimum of 90% of bloggers using photos in their blog articles today, and one out of every four including videos, the usage of visual content combined with wordy passages as a whole fills your website with authority, according to the 34% who report getting better results (Shiv Gupta, 2022).

“39% of writers who add Ten or more photographs in their posts claim strong results,” according to Orbitmedia.com.


Maintaining your old blog entries, as well as your current SEO components including voice search and semantics, and your post structure strategy. These and other ideas on how to produce SEO-friendly blog content for beginners mentioned above can help you become more visible on the internet. You now know that you must write an engaging article for both your readership and the search engine since both determine whether or not you will rank online.



Check these Content Aspects when Hiring Professionals for Website Content Writing


Shiv Gupta (2022). 11 Tips To Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts. https://www.incrementors.com/blog/how-to-write-seo-friendly-blog-posts/

Content Majestic (2021). What is copywriting?. https://www.contentmajestic.com/blog/what-is-copywriting/

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