If you are an artist and you want to move art by yourself, you are probably wondering what you should do when it comes to relocating your art. Whether you are a sculptor or a painter, you need to make sure that the relocation of your work goes as smoothly as possible. While relocating artwork, a lot of things could happen which could damage your work. And no matter how much time, effort, and money you spent on it, it’s still your work and it is meaningful to you. This is why relocation has to be safe for your artwork.
Why is it a bad idea to move art by yourself?
This is not an easy task, I can tell you right away. It takes a lot of time and preparation in order to do it right. And a lot of people think that this is something they can do without even reading a couple of tips online. This is a huge mistake. Moving is a complex process and as I mentioned, a lot of things could happen that could lead to damaging your belongings or artwork. This is why you shouldn’t move art by yourself. But what should you do? Well, you should definitely have professionals handle it for you. This is going to make so many things easier during the time of your relocation process. And if this sounds unnecessary to you or just like a waste of money, reading this article will hopefully change your mind. Here are just 5 reasons why you shouldn’t move art by yourself.

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5. You need skills to pack artwork properly
Packing artwork properly is not something just anyone can do. Art is delicate and easily damageable most of the time. This is why you need to properly pack your artwork. This is a part of preparing your work for relocation. You need to have all the right supplies. And these supplies can’t just be found anywhere. You will most likely have to order them online. You will need special boxes for moving artwork. These boxes are sturdy and durable yet big enough to fit everything you want to relocate. They do come in different sizes and depending on your art and what you want to relocate, you need to choose the right size.
You need to make sure that the boxes aren’t too big. If they are, there is space for your work to tumble around and get damaged. But if unable to find boxes that are the size that you need, big boxes will do. All you have to do is stuff them with packing peanuts and a lot of bubble pack. You can make all this easier for you and simply hire packing services. Moving companies such as Los Angeles Transfer and Storage offer amazing moving services.

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4. Your art can easily get damaged
Art is delicate and it can easily get damaged. This is a situation you don’t want to find yourself in. Having anything damaged that you created can be very heartbreaking. And if relocating art by yourself, this is very likely to happen. This is why you shouldn’t be moving it yourself. When hiring movers is an option, why choose to potentially damage something you love? And there are plenty of ways for your artwork to get damaged. It can break, rip, get wet, fall apart. Anything can happen to it while you are relocating. So, hire the best movers and packers you can.
3. Relocation is a tough process to handle generally
Moving is very complex. There are plenty of things that you need to do in order to relocate successfully. When moving, you need to be focused on the move the whole time. You have to make sure that you have everything ready, that you have all the paperwork needed, that you have money, supplies, help, etc. There are plenty of things to be done when moving. This can be very hard to handle. Imagine having the most stressful move ever and unpacking just to realize that your artwork got damaged on the way. This is just going to be the icing on the cake and it’s only going to create an even more stressful situation for you. Avoid battling with stress by simply hiring professional movers to move everything for you. Hiring movers is the best way to avoid stress when moving.

2. You could get injured
Lifting and carrying things isn’t as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of energy as well as practice and training. Your body needs to be ready for lifting heavy objects otherwise you will most definitely get injured. While you are lifting, you can strain your back. You can also accidentally drop something on your foot or toes and break them. This is also another very serious injury. If you lift something heavy and you want to put it down on the ground or inside the truck, your fingers could also get hurt. Not to mention bruises and scratches that will most likely appear.
1. You should focus on other things
The last reason why you shouldn’t move art by yourself is that you can take this time to focus on other things. If you have pets, you need to be there for them while you are relocating. Relocation can affect animals negatively too, not just people. If you have children, you also need to be fully focused on them. Especially if having a long-distance relocation from the US to Europe. Or you can just take this time to focus on yourself and that everything is going according to plan.