Investing in the correct insulation for our home is a smart move that will pay off in the long run. This is by providing us with greater convenience and monetary savings. You will need to have a firm grasp on a few fundamental ideas. But in order to complete this effort successfully. First be aware of the significance of both the material with which we insulate. And the approach that we take in order to effectively insulate our home. For best insulation and savings on energy bills contact us at our support team for best Construction Companies in Sharjah.
What Exactly Is Meant By “Thermal Insulation”?
Insulation for the thermal environment refers to the use of a substance. That is capable of preventing temperature shifts or the transfer of heat energy. Because of the way it constructs on the inside. A thermal insulating material shields our house from both the heat and the cold. We achieve the insulation by the material’s ability to block the passage of heat energy.
There are two types of thermal insulation:
- Natural Ones: Like Wood and Cork, And
- Artificial Ones: Like Polystyrene and Rock Wool
Natural Thermal Insulation
Wood and cork are examples of natural thermal insulation. Since we design them specifically for the purpose of isolating, artificial insulation is much more effective than natural insulation in this regard. The vast majority of insulations, despite their differences in composition. We design with the same insulation strategy in mind. We filled these insulations with an infinite number of countless tiny encapsulated air “bubbles,” which make it difficult for heat energy to pass through them.
Artificial Thermal Insulation
In a home that does not have adequate insulation, heat escapes from the interior to the exterior during the winter, causing the temperature inside to drop, while heat moves from the exterior to the interior during the summer, causing the temperature inside to rise. That if we adequately insulate a house, on the other hand, will prevent the heat from the inside from escaping during the winter and prevent the heat from the outside from entering during the summer. This will enable us to keep the temperature inside the house at a level that is comfortable throughout the entire year.
Different Methods to Raise the Level of Insulation
To properly insulate a home, it is not enough for the home to have adequate thermal insulation. Rather, it is essential that all of the components that comprise the envelope of the home. i.e., The components that separate the outside of the home from the inside of the home. It functions as insulators to the same degree.
To put it another way. The thermal insulation is just as crucial to the envelope as the windows and any other component that may be present. As a result, we can reach the conclusion that a house has adequate insulation. If its insulation is uninterrupted and comprehensive. That is, if it has adequate insulation on the façade. In the windows. And does not have any air leaks caused by grilles or holes, etc.
Which Types of Thermal Insulation Are the Most Effective?
When selecting thermal insulation. The thermal conductivity of the material is the most crucial piece of information to consider. This property typically denotes by the Greek letter lambda. And it measures in W/K m.
It represents the ease with which heat energy transmit through the material by these numbers. Therefore, the lower the figure, the better. This is why a lower figure is preferable.
Types of Thermal Insulations

In general, thermal insulators have a thermal conductivity that is much lower than other materials. Otherwise, they would not consider thermal insulators. When a material’s thermal conductivity is 0.05 W/Km or less. We classify it as thermal insulation. Regardless of whether or not it meets the exact threshold. These are the types of thermal insulators that have a lower conductivity. That is, those that insulate more effectively.
And are currently the ones we use that most commonly in construction are Following:
· Polyurethane Foam
Foam made of polyurethane. Having a thermal conductivity that falls somewhere in the range of 0.025 W/Km to 0.035 W/Km and belonging to the family of plastics. Spraying it on in the form of a foam that then hardens is the typical method of application. This method has the advantage of covering every nook and cranny, but at the same time makes it difficult to maintain a consistent layer thickness across the entire surface.
· Extruded Polystyrene (XPS)
We derive that material from petroleum and typically distributed in the form of panels. It has a thermal conductivity that ranges from 0.025 W/Km to 0.039 W/Km, making it one of the most effective insulators. It can absorb very little water by it, and it has a high resistance to compress.
· Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
Comparable to XPS, but with increased absorbency. It is a substance that derive from petroleum and has a thermal conductivity that ranges from 0.029 W/Km to 0.046 W/Km. Along with XPS and mineral wool, it is one of the insulators that sees the most use in modern construction due to the fact that it is both effective and inexpensive.
· Minerals Wool
Wool made from minerals It typically supply in the form of flexible or semi-rigid panels and is also known by the names rock wool and fiberglass. Its thermal conductivity ranges from 0.031 to 0.05 watts per kelvin per meter. In order to produce it, large masses of rock or glass (fiberglass) melts and stretched until minute filaments obtains. These filaments then press and agglomerated by a variety of additives, which results in the formation of insulating panels.
· Cellulose
Insulation made from cellulose is one of the materials that is the least harmful to the environment. a material that creates by using shredded paper and then treats with additives to make it fire resistant. The thermal conductivity of the material is approximately 0.04 W/Km. Insufflation or blowing it in is the most common method of application for it, and both are viable options for completely filling the interior space of air chambers.
· Wood Fiber
The fiber from wood although it is not very widely known. Its validity is on par with the others. And it can also maintain it. The Wood fiber has a thermal conductivity of 0.038 W/Km. And can purchase in the form of rigid or flexible panels. We can use wood fiber to make good insulation.
· Expanded Cork
The use of expanded cork. The bark of the cork oak tree, which we harvest for its cork, is a natural, eco-friendly insulator to utilize that for many years in the insulation industry. Its thermal conductivity falls somewhere in the range of 0.037 W/Km to 0.040 W/Km. It is not susceptible to rotting and has excellent longevity as a material. We deliver it in the form of rigid panels, which enables it to utilize for the insulation of covered facades as well as floors.
· Cellular Glass
It is one of the most comprehensive forms of thermal insulation because in addition to being rot-proof, it is also waterproof, fireproof, and antiseptic. The thermal conductivity ranges from 0.035 W/Km to 0.04 W/Km for this material. Because of its significantly higher price compared to that of other insulating materials, its application typically restricts to the isolating of individual points.
· Polyurethane Foam and Extruded Polystyrene (XPS)
In light of the information presented here. We could conclude that the types of insulation with the lowest thermal conductivity—namely. Polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene (XPS)—provide the best protection against the transfer of heat.
Thickness Factor
However, there is yet another factor that determines how well an insulation will function, and that is the thickness of the insulation. The performance of an insulating material will improve by increasing its thickness. Even though XPS is a superior insulator to cork, 10 centimeters of cork is still more effective than 5 centimeters of XPS. If we have enough room in our home to install insulation of a sufficient thickness (in passive houses, at least ten centimeters of insulation typically install), we can use any of the aforementioned materials to effectively insulate it and keep it that way.
Importance Of Consultation

It is also important to keep in mind that even though some types of insulation are superior to others. Not all types of insulation are suitable for use in homes or in workplaces. Some makes of rigid panels while others make of flexible panels; some of the works will have more space while others will have places that are difficult to insulate. Because of this, we strongly recommend it that you consult with a qualified architect before making any decisions regarding the type of insulation that should install in your home.
In the majority of instances, both our renovation and new building construction projects present us with one of two scenarios, both of which breaks down and examined further below. On the one hand, there is the situation of single-family homes or homes that are independent of one another, and on the other hand, there are apartments.
For further info contact us at Deira Mall.