Online courses have expanded rapidly and had the potential to extend further the educational opportunities of many students, particularly those least well-served by traditional educational institutions. However, in their current design, online courses are difficult, especially for the students who are least prepared. These students’ learning and persistence outcomes are worse when they take online courses than they would have been had these same students taken in-person courses. Continued improvement of online curricula and instruction can strengthen the quality of these courses and hence the educational opportunities for the most in-need populations.
Online courses offer the promise of access regardless of where students live or what time they can participate, potentially redefining educational opportunities for those least well-served in traditional classrooms. Moreover, through artificial intelligence, online platforms offer the promise of providing the optimal course pacing and content to fit each student’s needs and thereby improve educational quality and learning. The latest “intelligent” tutoring systems, for example, not only assess students’ current weaknesses but also diagnose why students make specific errors. These systems then adjust instructional materials to meet students’ needs.
As we know charity begins at the home and so we can also say parents are our first and the best teachers. Due to the online study system that we are following right now, it’s again on the parents that they have to teach us and educate us. You may ask why are parents our best teachers? Parents are the first teachers a child grows with. When a child comes into a couple’s life a family completes. Then the small baby grows into a kid. The kid copies what the parents say like a parrot copies what his master speaks. Parents always try to teach their children all the good things which make them the best teachers. Well, to be honest, the answer to the question “why parents are the best teachers“, can not be framed in a sentence. Rather, we have to understand it with time.
Some of the problems parents are facing due to online learning from home:
Kids grow up following their parents.
For them, parents are their heroes and can solve any of their problems. This way Parents have a greater influence on kids than teachers. So this is good but as well bad too, children can blindly follow them irrespective of what is good or bad.
- While schools are shuttered, many schools are moving their lessons online by providing virtual instruction or assignments. Make sure your child keeps up with the assignments and can engage in any virtual instruction. But if there is urgency and the assignments need to be completed you can get it done from ThanksForTheHelp.
- After perhaps the first few days, have your child or teen follow the typical school day–weekend day sleep schedule. It is best to have a regular wake-up time and bedtime the same as the schedule you set when they attend school since it can be hard to get back on track, especially if kids get into a late-to-bed late-to-rise program.
School is for formal education.
But, informal education starts at home. Parents do their best to make their kids learn new things as they grow up. But in this scenario, the parents won’t be able to continue on their own work or sometimes even the daily chores.
Many students perform best in a structured environment with a set routine.
These students may be more distracted at home. They may skip assignments or class meetings, an action that can negatively impact online education. In addition, many parents are working while their children engage in online learning. These families especially may struggle to offer the same level of structure at home that children get at school.
- Many students struggle with the lack of face-to-face interaction with their teachers and peers during online learning. Especially in subjects like maths or grammar, this problem is common. So if you think that your child is not doing good in factoring then help them out and if there is the urgency of submitting exercises then get it done by factoring calculator with steps. Teachers may not be able to tell which students are on task and which students need more support. Disengaged students may not participate in class discussions online, and if a whole class is cleared, that makes for one quiet, unproductive class meeting.
- Families worry that students are socially isolated during online learning. While many parents have worked to reduce the amount of time their children spend in front of a screen, those children may now spend several hours each day on a computer for school with little human interaction. The lack of one-on-one interaction can significantly hinder younger students from developing social skills.
- Peer relationships can foster a sense of motivation. When students work on group projects or presentations or even just interact in class discussions, it can be motivating. However, when forced to work in isolation, they no longer have that motivation.