
Cockroach Management Tips – Keeping Roaches Away from Your Home

Cockroach Management Tips – Keeping Roaches Away from Your Home
Cockroach Management Tips – Keeping Roaches Away from Your Home

You get disgusting feeling whenever you see roaches skittering across the home floor, right? Well, this is almost everyone’s story. People around the world religiously follow remedies for roaches but fail. We bring you a solid cockroach management guide in which you will learn natural effective home remedies to kill these persistent pests and protect yourself from roach infestation.

Let’s act fast before it gets too late to react-

  1. Sugar and baking soda

Baking soda with sugar is an effective mixture that kills roaches. When you use this mixture at places where you find them hiding out, you will notice an instant decline in the population.

You will need equal parts of baking soda and sugar. Mix them well in a bowl. Baking soda is non-toxic and when you sprinkle this mixture in the areas that roaches access, it will start its job. You can do this act during night because this is the time when these pests are active. Sugar is not deadly for roaches but attract them and baking soda will react with the roach’s stomach acid and make them die over time.

  1. Boric acid

You can get the boric acid from stores or online marketplaces. Boric acid is the best roach killing option. It is even effective for killing ants and other pests. People around the world swear of this product and are widely using it as a remedial option for killing roaches.

However, unlike baking soda and sugar, boric acid is harmful for consumption. This means you have to keep it out of reach of your pets and of course, children. Boric acid is a poison and you should not use it for long term as it can make you ill. You can do light dusting of boric acid because excessive dusting will be ineffective. Also keep in mind that if boric acid becomes wet, it will not be effective.

  1. Fabric Softener Spray

A little effort is required for killing roaches with fabric softener spray. You cannot just spray the fabric softener and hope it will kill all cockroaches automatically. You need to spray actively whenever you see roaches roaming around at your place.

Just take a spray bottle and three parts of fabric softener with two parts of water. Shake it well and your spray is ready to use. This solution will be thick. When you see roaches, just spray onto them. It will suffocate the roach and eventually, it will die.

In case you don’t have fabric softener, you can use any liquid dishwasher soap for the same result.

  1. Bay leaves

Maybe you are the person who don’t want to kill roaches or any other pest, but you also don’t want them at your place. In both cases, you can use bay leaves as natural roach repellent. Cockroaches and other roaches simply hate the smell of bay leaves. Moreover, bay leaves are the common kitchen spice found in Indian kitchen.

Crush the leaves in a mortar and pestle and sprinkle the powder in areas that roaches access at present and nesting. Trust us, roaches cannot tolerate the smell of bay leaves.

  1. Lemon peels or juice

The fresh aromatic lemons are often used as cleaning agent at home. Lemon juice is a powerful agent that can clean all the greasy layer from your utensils. However, people don’t know that it has power to repel roaches. The anti-pathogenic properties of lemon and other citrus foods help keep the roaches away.

Spray lemon juice in complex areas where you think roaches can hide themselves.

What Attracts Roaches? Why They Appear in Your Home as Unwanted Guests Every time?

Pests are always unapologetically unwanted. Whether it’s roaches, termites, ants, or rodents, these pests are often searching for food and water sources that can be easily available in your home. Roaches like warm, humid climate and thus they prefer areas like-

  • Dirty dishes in the sink
  • Garbage
  • Crumbs on the floors or counters
  • Pet food on the floor
  • Excess moisture
  • Pet food spill over the floor
  • Leftover food in empty cans

Roaches can break into your home through cracks and crevices, holes in vents and pipes, dirty drains, etc.

You need to follow best cleaning practice to get rid of roaches. The simplest way to keep roaches away from your home is to keep it clean. Seal all cracks and install door sweeps. Fix all plumbing issues or leaking points in your home.

At last, when nothing works, or when you are running out of time, get professional assistance for cockroach management. Because at some point, you have to deal with roaches and it’s better to be prepare and hire pest control professionals to do their job after every fixed time interval. This is the best way to keep your place protected against roaches.

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