Linux is an open-source project that a loose community of enthusiasts has generated all over the world. Unix is much older than Linux, and before Linux ever came along, it was there. Linux is an operating system developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. The word “Linux” originates from the kernel of Linux. Unix is an AT&T-developed, lightweight, multi-tasking, multi-user operating system. Under the initiative of Ken Thompson of Bell Labs, it began as a one-man company.
For computer hardware and software, game creation, mainframes, and so on, Linux is used. It can run different services for clients. In web servers, workstations, and PCs, Unix is used. There are several business applications available. The main difference between the two is that UNIX is a complete operating system, while Linux is only a kernel of several free operating systems, such as Arch Linux, Fedora, GNU Sense, Linux Mint, Red Hat, Ubuntu, and so on.
Two big Unix flavors have now been added, the AT&T stream and the BSD stream. All other Unix variants are descendants of these, such as AIX, HP-UX, and Oracle Solaris. Some of AT&T’s restrictions were released in 1984, and they were able to manufacture and sell Unix. Linux isn’t exactly a Unix clone; it would be Unix if Linux was a Unix clone. Oh, it’s not; it’s Unix-like. Linux was created to have the look and feel of Unix and to meet the same requirements. It’s less of a clone, more of a replicant.
The UNIX OS was brought into the world in the last part of the 1960s. AT&T Bell Labs delivered a working framework called Unix written in C, which permits faster alteration, acknowledgment, and convenientce.
It started as a one-man project under the administration of Ken Thompson of Bell Labs. It proceeded to turn out to be most broadly utilized working framework. Unix is an exclusive working framework.
The Unix OS deals with CLI (Command Line Interface), yet as of late, there have been improvements for GUI on Unix frameworks. Unix is an OS which is mainstream in organizations, colleges huge undertakings, and so on
Linux is a working framework worked by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in 1991. The name “Linux” comes from the Linux bit. It is the product on a PC which empowers applications and the clients to get to the gadgets on the PC to play out some particular capacity.
The Linux OS transfers directions from an application from the PC’s processor and sends the outcomes back to the application through the Linux OS. It tends to be introduced on an alternate sort of PCs cell phones, tablets computer game consoles, and so forth
Highlights of Unix OS
- At the point when contrast Unix with Linux, Unix is a Multi-client, performing various tasks working framework
- It tends to be utilized as the expert control program in workstations and workers.
- Many business applications are accessible
- In its primes, UNIX was quickly received and turned into the standard OS in colleges.
Highlights of Linux Operating System
- Backing performing multiple tasks
- Projects comprise of at least one cycles, and each interaction have at least one strings
- It can without much of a stretch coincides alongside other Operating frameworks.
- Contrasting highlights of Linux and Unix, Linux can run various client programs
- Singular records are ensured on account of proper approval
- When contrasting Unix versus Linux, Linux is a copy of UNIX however doesn’t utilize its code.
Following are the important differences between Linux and Unix:
- Open Source is Linux, and a large number of programmers work online together and contribute to its development.
- In 1991, Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds as a private project to write a 32-bit operating system kernel for his 16-bit Minix 80386 based PC.
- Linux’s source code is freely accessible to its users.
- Supported file systems of Linux: Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, Jfs, ReiserFS, Xfs, Btrfs, FAT, FAT32, NTFS.
- Linux uses KDE and Gnome; LXDE, Xfce, Unity, Mate are other supported GUIs (Graphical User Interface).
- Linux is the result of a distributed collective project carried out by unpaid volunteers, Canonical and Red Hat associations, and individuals funded by the industry.
- Recognition and resolution of threats is very fast since Linux is largely community-driven. So, if any kind of threat is posted by any Linux client, a team of trained developers will start working to solve this threat.
- Linux is used in wide varieties from desktop, servers, smartphones to mainframes.
- For Intel’s x86 hardware processors, Linux was initially developed. It now serves 20 + families of processors.
- Ubuntu, Linux Mint, RedHot, Solaries, etc, are various versions of Linux.
- Linux has about 60-100 viruses listed till date.
- AT&T Laboratories, various commercial vendors, and non-profit organizations produced Unix.
- Unix was developed in 1970 by Ken Thompson and the Bell Labs team to address several problems with Multics, a GE-645 mainframe multi-user operating system.
- The Unix source code is not open to the general public for free.
- Supported file systems of Unix: fs, gpfs, hfs, hfs+, ufs, xfs, zfs.
- Unix was originally a command-based OS (Operating System); Gnome is now the majority of Unix distributions.
- As a single cohesive entity, each commercial Unix is built using in-house or tightly managed outsourced production facilities.
- To get the best possible bug fixing patch, Unix clients need longer hold-up time.
- Unix is mostly used on servers, workstations, or PCs.
- Unix supports PA-RISC and Itanium family.
- Different versions of Unix are AIS, HP-UX, BSD, Iris, etc.
- Unix has about 85-120 viruses listed till date (rough estimate).