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Facts to consider before moving to Brooklyn

A street in Brooklyn.

Brooklyn is great and there are dozens of things that make it great. Even when you include the negative things you could say about Brooklyn, it’s still amazing. But not everyone knows what are the negative things about living in Brooklyn. And if you were dreaming about moving to Brooklyn, this is an important piece of information for you. Knowing the bad side is far more important than knowing everything about the good side. This is why I decided to write this article and tell you about just some of the things that you need to consider before moving to Brooklyn. Here’s where you’ll read about just what can make living in Brooklyn a bad thing. And these are facts that are worth considering before making a huge decision of moving to Brooklyn from maybe another city or even state. You might end up deciding to move to a coastal city in New Hampshire.

High cost of living

The first and the most obvious thing to have in mind before moving to Brooklyn is that this place is crazy-expensive. Housing in Brooklyn is very pricey no matter whether you are renting or buying. And housing is the most important. You don’t need bars and restaurants but you do need a home and you do need to pay for it. 

In order to live in Brooklyn, you will need a home. And homes are very expensive here.

1. Renting

If you were thinking about renting an apartment in Brooklyn, you definitely need to already have some money saved on the side or have a stable, well-paying job. The median monthly rent in Brooklyn sits at around $2,500. This will definitely get you a one-bedroom apartment or a studio apartment and it might not even be in a good neighborhood. You’ll need a lot more money in order to live in a nice apartment with enough space in a nice location. A couple of thousand dollars will do if this is how you want to live. But have in mind that when renting, you also have to pay the deposit. But you also need to pay monthly bills. And they are too very expensive. Renting an apartment means that you can always relocate with Brooklyn Movers New York to another apartment which might be better or cheaper so if moving to Brooklyn for the first time, renting is a better option.

2. Buying

If you were thinking about buying a home in Brooklyn, you are definitely planning on staying. This means that you are already in love with this place and that I can’t change your mind. You probably already know how expensive Brooklyn is. But I still want to give you a piece of information that might be helpful. For example, you might not be aware of the fact that home prices have started dropping over the last period of time. It wasn’t a huge and a meaningful drop but it’s still a drop. This gives us all hope that home prices will start to go down in the near future in the tourist and highly popular city of New York. The median home value in Brooklyn is currently at around $669,000. This money will get you the same as if you were to pay $2,500 for rent every month. Luckily, you can get furniture that doubles as storage if you end up living in a small apartment.

Save a lot of money before you move to Brooklyn from another city or state.

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Public transportation only

The second thing to consider before moving to Brooklyn is the fact that having a car in Brooklyn simply isn’t working for anyone. Finding a parking spot can last for hours. Having a car and using it on a daily basis can lead to you losing a lot of money as well as time on parking your car. And as living in Brooklyn is already expensive, this is not another expense you want to have. You should do more research and find info about the budget necessary to settle here. But the lack of parking is not the only problem.

Brooklyn streets get very busy in the morning and in the afternoon. This is because people are going to and leaving work this time of the day. And there are still a lot of those people who only use cars. These are usually people working for big companies with a lot of money as New York is full of those. But for you, this means potentially getting stuck in traffic. And these people might be able to be late for a couple of minutes, but you might not be. You don’t want to get in trouble at work because of being late. That is why using public transportation is the best way and for some people the only way.

Metro is a good form of public transportation.

There are plenty of people everywhere you go

Being surrounded by large numbers of people all the time is not something everyone can handle. And New York is the busiest city of all. There are millions of people world living, working, or studying there. There are millions of people who come to New York as tourists also from all over the country and the world. This both makes living in Brooklyn very fun and a bit too much. As I said, not everyone is capable of handling such a large number of people on the street. This also might not be a good environment for certain children. Not all children love loud places and a lot of new things. There are children who love and feel safer in small towns. This is why before moving to Brooklyn with your kid you need to make sure that it is ready to handle all the New York and Brooklyn might bring. Maybe consider moving to Long Island.

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