SEO Positioning: How to Improve Non-Optimized Content?: Getting your site to the top of search results can determine the success of your business. But, for this, you need to apply some suggestions so that Google recognizes your content and acquires a greater number of views.
SEO content positioning is a recommended practice within an Inbound Marketing strategy. Working on a strategy of this type is a good tactic to generate traffic on your website and connect with potential customers.
If you have a website and you have not yet worked on the SEO of your content or you have tried, but without good results, you may be missing some tips.
SEO positioning: what is it for?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of giving visibility to a website in search engines in an organic way, that is, without paying for ads.
This strategy is made up of a series of actions that must be implemented: at a technical level and in terms of content.
Although there is no magic recipe to position a site, there are some tips that will help your page to climb positions in search results and make it visible to users.
The first thing is to define which search engine your potential audience uses and focus your strategy according to its algorithm.
If your target audience is in Russia, for example, you should probably take into account the Yandex search engine , as it is the most used in that country.
Meanwhile, if you are in South America, your focus should be on Google, since it represents about 90% of preference .
One of the main aspects of SEO is its operation through keywords or “keywords”. These are search terms that users use in search engines, and through which you should try to position yourself.
Be clear that a well-positioned content is one that appears on the first page of search results. This can take a month, as well as two or three. Do not lose your head and develop a strategy that is sustainable, establishing metrics to measure the effectiveness of your actions.
Improve SEO positioning by optimizing content
If you are reading this article, it is likely that the content of your website is not generating the expected traffic.
The reasons why this could happen are several. It could be that, for example, you are not using the keywords well or you have not created a sitemap .
So, check out six basic tips below to start optimizing your site’s content:
Keywords should be the first stone when optimizing your content. There are tools to determine the most suitable keyword, which should have a considerable search volume and, ideally, a slightly lower level of competition.
In case there is too much competition, you can use long-tail keywords , that is, compound words, such as, for example: “the cheapest car in Chile”.
The keyword you choose is important that you place it in strategic places
Title H1 (only one H1 must exist).
Hierarchically structured subtitles.
Within the content (at the beginning of the first paragraph and at the end).
ALT text of the image.
URL of your content.
The metadata is HTML data that will describe the content of your page and that in search engines is displayed as a snippet.
A snippet is nothing more than the box with the title, URL and two-line description that appears in the results when you do a search.
The metadata is composed of:
Meta title : title of the content.
Meta description : description of the content.
Meta keywords : keywords that must be included in both the meta title and the meta description .
It must be made clear that there is multiple metadata within the HTML language. However, for content SEO, the ones you just saw matter.
It is ideal that your content has at least two links that lead within your page and another that leads to an external page. But it is not about inserting links just because, but there are also some considerations, such as:
When linking a text, avoid doing it in words like “click here.”
External links must be from authoritative websites.
One of the internal links should preferably go in the first paragraph.
Images are another important topic, as you must include at least one image per content.
However, in order for Google to “read” or identify your image, you need to add the keyword as alternative text or ALT.
There are platforms, such as WordPress, where there is a special box to add the alternative text when uploading a graphic.
The file, in addition, should have a weight not exceeding 100 Kb. An image of great weight will slow down the loading of the page and this could be penalized, preventing you from appearing in the first search results.
There are online tools, and also design programs, that allow you to save images with a lower density.
The way that Google crawls web pages is through “spiders”, whose technical name is Googlebot . These spiders are robots that are constantly checking sites for updates.
For spiders to crawl faster, you must tell them what all the URLs are on your website, which is actually a “sitemap” or sitemap.
Google Analytics and Search Console
Lastly, there are two free Google tools to consider: Google Analytics and Google Search Console .
Analytics is the platform where you will know the traffic of your site, the most visited URLs, where the people who visit you are from and much more.
Search Console , for its part, will help you to know the indexing status of your site, if there are display or usability errors and its performance, among other things.
Why develop an SEO content strategy?
Carrying out an SEO content strategy will help you generate more traffic, which can have a very positive impact:
Get more visits
There is a saying that says “if you are on the second page of Google you do not exist.” This is totally true, because the highest click-through rate is always concentrated on the first page of search results, and SEO service can help you get there.
Brand recognition
By being visible on the first page, you are more likely that users will see you and recognize your brand.
That recognition will also make you a trusted source and prefer your content.
Improve conversions
A conversion is a specific action that a user performs, and that you have previously defined. This is measurable through Google Analytics and can increase with the application of an organic positioning strategy.
If you present attractive content, which is also visible to users, the more likely they are to take action on your site.
As you can see, there are enough reasons to implement an SEO content strategy. And, once you implement it, remember to always be aware of changes in the algorithm and to constantly update the content of your site. Do not stop!
How to get indexed with a Google featured snippet?
Although the featured fragments are determined by Google’s automatic systems, we share a series of points to take into account:
- Respond to startup
It is important that you define the main idea of the topic in the first lines of your content, because that way the automatic systems will quickly identify it, and it can be taken into account by Google to appear in the fragments.
- Five W
Another point to consider is that in your main idea, answer the questions: What? Who? How? When? Where? and because? That way, it will be a more complete content.
- Concrete Ideas
The content extracted from the portals, normally goes from 40 to 50 words, so that it is decisive and understandable.
- Positioning of your site
If your website is well positioned, after SEO optimization, it will appear when doing a search, either in writing or by voice search. Likewise, by clicking on the featured snippet, users will directly visit the web page that originated the response, thereby generating more traffic and improving your CTR (percentage of users who clicked on a link).
- Digestible language
The content must be written in a way that can be understood by any user, and how you would like them to speak to you or answer any type of question.
- Tables and lists
Including step-by-step instructions, listings, and leaderboards in your content are a great differentiator for Google’s artificial intelligence system.
In conclusion, Google shows us that every day it seeks to provide a better experience to its users, making it easier for them to navigate; from showing these fragments immediately, to allowing a voice search , which brings us closer and closer to a future, where people have a closer relationship with their operating systems, since they respond to them like humans.