Digital Marketing

The Future Of Digital Marketing

future of digital marketing

Digital marketing is changing constantly. Unlike traditional marketing, if you don’t stay on top of the latest trends in the digital world, you will fall behind. And when we  are saying digital marketing, note that the future of digital marketing and the scope of digital marketing in future is going to get brighter in the coming years
So, here is a list of 7 things that will become the future of digital marketing.

1. Artificial Intelligence & Automation

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly becoming important in the business industry. Already it is taking over many simple jobs like communication, product recommendations, email personalization etc and it will continue to in the near future.
As per Techgrabyte-
“Artificial intelligence is the biggest commercial opportunity for the companies, industries, and nations over the next few decades” and “will increase the global GDP by up to 14% between now and 2030,” which means that “Artificial Intelligence latecomers will find themselves at a disadvantage within the next several years.”

So, it is important for all the industries, but particularly digital marketers, to become familiar with Artificial Intelligence, and start implementing them in their everyday tasks.


2. Shoppable Posts

Initially, social media was a place for businesses to connect with their potential consumers, showcase their products or services, and build their brand image.There was no way to get social media followers to a brand’s online store through those social platforms.
But, now there is. And whilst shoppable posts are not exactly new.
For those who are still unfamiliar with the concept of social commerce or shoppable posts, they are when consumers buy products directly through social media posts or ads, without going through the app.

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3. Micro-influencers

Influencer marketing is certainly not a new concept. We are all familiar with it, and it is a great way to market your products to consumers through someone they have their trust. But, because it has been so successful, it has become very expensive for small to medium sized businesses.
And as a result, micro-influencer marketing has been born. The term micro-influencer refers to medium sized influencers having around 30,000 followers, that are well known enough to be influential.

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4. Vlogging

Every business should include  video blog  in their content. It has become more popular than ever. This is because it is personal, direct, and has the ability to connect with your audience to a greater extent.
As well as vlogs can be practical within your marketing strategy. You have the ability to live-stream special business events, share a post of your business conference, or shoot a video. All of these helps in creating a strong brand image, a good business to customer relationships, and greater engagement from your target audiences.

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5. Voice Search

While voice search is something that has been around for a while, it is becoming now less of a novelty and more of a necessity.
Taking that into account, as well as the fact that over 50% of the searches in 2020 will be from voice search as per ComScore.

So, what this means for marketers?

Well, optimizing your content for voice search is the best thing a digital marketer you can do right now. While it is still in its early stages , but voice search is something that needs to be considered seriously when devising all digital campaigns. Artificial Intelligence is getting smarter day by day, and voice assistants like Alexa and Siri are significantly working on reducing their number of errors.


6. Visual Search

Visual search is taking to a whole new level.
People will actually have the option to upload an image to conduct a search.
As well as the Google image search, both Pinterest and Google have introduced lens, a visual tool that allows users to take a picture of an item, object or landmark to find out information about it.


7. Chatbots

Chatbots, while sort of old news, will continue to play an important role in digital marketing during 2020. Surveys have shown that 81% of businesses want chatbots in 2020, and by 2022, chatbots will help businesses save $8 billion . That is quite the statistics for Artificial Intelligence based technology.
From the customer point of view, interacting with chatbots is very easy, as they are responsive 24/7 and they give prompt and accurate answers.

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