
Things to do in New Orleans


Plain and simple, people flock to New Orleans for its unique way of looking at life, the nightlife, and Mardi Gras. Labeled the “Big Easy”, New Orleans is a place where people come to immerse themselves in a part of the United States like none other. Filled with jazz music and culture there are numerous places to go in order to soak some of that culture in. 

New Orleans has long been the United States’ most unique and intriguing city. Filled with live music, the relics of its French past, and a quintessential New Orleans way that draws tourists by the thousands each year, New Orleans is an amazing place to visit year-round. Whether you want to visit old buildings like the famous St Louis Cathedral or walk around the tranquil garden district there is something for everyone to do. 

A few things to do in New Orleans include:

French Quarter 

Any trip to New Orleans must include time spent in the French Quarter – the heart and soul of New Orleans. The French Quarter has held tightly to its traditional culture and integrated it with the amazing musical traditions of New Orleans. Wanders down the original cobblestone streets will uncover such attractions as the William Faulkner House, the French Market, and the Cabildo. The main attraction of the French Quarter has always been Bourbon Street, however– New Orleans infamous party district. No trip to New Orleans is complete without a wander down Bourbon Street amongst the buskers and street performers. There are limitless options for going out on Bourbon Street and you will be assured a great time is had by all.

Cemetery Tours

Definitely some of the most unique – and fair to say morbid – locations in New Orleans are its cemetery. Unique to the region, many of the tombs for people are above ground to protect the corpses from the rising sea levels. These tombs also were inspired by many of the traditions of Spanish and French architecture. The decaying and dilapidated grounds of many of the city’s older graveyards definitely adds to the ghostly atmosphere. Visit Airlines Gethuman and get contact information of all airlines with extra deals on booking and vacation packages.

The most famous of the graveyards if the St Louis Cemetery which is the final resting place for several of New Orleans’s most noted luminaries such as Marie Laveau – the voodoo queen of New Orleans – and Bernard Marigny – the former senate leader of Louisiana and a noted playboy of infamous repute. Probably the safest way to see the cemeteries, as some are in more dangerous parts of town, is as part of a cemetery tour. Tours leave at different times and have different price tags attached to them depending on the tour company.

St. Louis Cathedral

The crown gem of the French Quarter is the oldest active cathedral in the United States, the St Louis Cathedral. Built originally in the early 18th century the cathedral was built to honor Louis IX, the powerful 13th century French King. Still used for religious services, St. Louis Cathedral is also a location where numerous cultural and public events take place each year. Inside the cathedral’s grounds is an impressive statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, also enjoying the attached gardens. Entry to the Cathedral is free and it can be visited between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Right in the heart of the French Quarter adjacent to Jackson Square is the Cabildo. Originally built in 1799 – when New Orleans was ruled by the Spanish – this square was once the seat of the Spanish government. After the Louisiana Purchase took place many of the buildings that exist in the Cabildo served as the Supreme Court of Louisiana. In modern times the buildings of the Cabildo are now used as a three-floor branch of the Louisiana State Museum. The museum recounts New Orleans, and Louisiana’s colorful past – one of the most interesting parts of the museum is the actual room where the Louisiana Purchase was finalized. Cabildo is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 A.M to 4:30 P.M with admission costing $6 dollars for adults. Visit Delta Airlines Reservations for best deals on vacation packages to New Orleans.

Garden District, New Orleans, LA

It is well recommended to take a walk through the garden district during your stay in New Orleans. This historical residential neighborhood is filled with trees, ivy, and lovely gardens. The area is filled with several historical homes, many of which can be toured, such as the Adams House, Colonel Short’s Villa, and the Buckner Mansion. Some of the most beautiful homes in the south are in this district and visiting will treat you to a totally different New Orleans feel than you will have walking along Bourbon Street. There are also a few great choices for restaurants so you can end your walk in the district with a meal in the area.

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