Computers and TechnologyDigital Marketing

Why A Responsive Website is Crucial in 2020


If you are starting up with any new business the thought of getting a beautiful website is always in your mind. But why do you need a website? Is it just because your competitor has an amazing website? Or you are just following the trend? The main aim of getting a website should be to get leads and to educate your audience about your products and/or services.

In 2015, Google made responsiveness of a website as an important factor to rank on the SERP. Google always care for their audience hence they provide the best answers to the queries.  Every website owner wants to rank on the first page of Google and the main reason is that Google is the major search engine across the globe with around 3.5 billion searches every day. Isn’t it a great reason to follow Google’s guidelines?

But what is a responsive website?

A responsive website is a website which is easily accessible in all size of the screen. The content and pictures don’t get affected or mismatched in different size of the screen. Responsive website development has a layout that makes a design to adjust as per the screen size.

turned on MacBook Pro beside gray mug

From the above image, you can see that on a non-responsive website, a user may have to zoom in and out to read the content and to view the images but the problem of readability is solved in a responsive site. With just one piece of code in CSS, you can use the same website on all the screens.

Here are the top 4 reasons why you need to have a responsive website:

To rank well on Google:

According to SEO reports, 90% of clicks are made on the first page of the search engine result page and 75% of users don’t go to the second page of SERP. So, ranking on the first page is the priority of almost every website owner. As discussed above, the Responsiveness of the website is one of the important ranking factors by Google.

If your page is not mobile-friendly and you may see this error in SERP (only when you are logged in with the same id which you have used in Search console).

In 2018, Google announced that now having a responsive website is not enough to rank on SERP; They have come up with a new factor Mobile-First Indexing. Which means Google uses the mobile version of the website to rank.

So, it’s compulsory to have a responsive website to get recognized and rank well on SERP.

To improve the user’s experience:

Imagine you are scrolling through a website on your phone which is not mobile-friendly, would you continue using that website despite bad experience? Would you give the same experience to your users? I know your answer will be NO. So, if you want your audience to stay and come back later on your website you need to have a responsive website because your user may not always be on a desktop or laptop; they can be using a portable device like mobile phones and tablets.

Reduce the bounce rate:

First, let’s understand the meaning of the bounce rate. A bounce rate is metrics to measure the performance of the website. When a user enters a website and they exit without interacting with the page then it increases the bounce rate.

For example: If there are a total of 100 visitors on your website in one day and 50 users exit as soon as they enter the site then the bounce rate of that particular day will be 50%.

MacBook Pro showing vegetable dish

But why should you care about bounce rate? Because the higher bounce rate indicates Google that your site is inappropriate and it may affect your SEO.

If the user interface of the site is bad and the user is not able to read and view the content then they are going to leave from your site. Users decide in 15 seconds if they want to remain on your website or they want to exit and great GUI with responsiveness is going to help them to decide the same.  That helps in reducing the bounce rate of your website.

More sales, more profit:

If a user spends more time scrolling through your website then the chances are that he/she may convert into a lead and a customer of your product and service. So, a responsive website may also help you in maximizing the sale. If it happens, then it is a cost-effective way to get more sales.

These were some of the reasons to get a responsive website for your business. Apart from these reasons it’s also important to have a responsive website is to stay updated with the trend and it also has a competitive advantage.

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